Vom Wert der Liebe
Philosophy of Love, Philosophy of Values, Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy of Religion, Gender StudiesAbstract
On the Value of Love
The main purpose of the article is to show by means of an analysis of the development of the different philosophical conceptions of love in the history of philosophy that there is a deep connection between the problems of love and those of values, even this connection is not always been explicitly thematized. Through a discussion of the connection between love and knowledge, love and autonomy, love and mysticism, and the role of romantic love, the author puts the question if love endows the value of the beloved or if, on the contrary, love opens up the mind for values that would remain otherwise hidden for us. The analysis also displays the consequences of the different philosophical conceptions of love for the understanding of the gender problematic and some global problems concerning the meaningfulness of life, human creativity, and the multiple forms of love, including religious love and perception.Â
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