Krieg oder Frieden. Auf der Suche nach einem Tertium Datur


  • Bernhard H. F. Taureck Technische Universität Braunschweig



International anarchy, us-american nuclear strategy, tertium between peace and war, peaceful finalization of the political


There is a consensus on war: violent conflicts are out. But they continue to happen. One likes to exclude violent conflicts and to avoid them. But they could happen. Avoidance of wars appears not be sufficient. International relations presuppose an international anarchy. Anarchy does not exclude wars, but reduces them to exceptions. The present essay attempts to argue in favour of a categorical exclusion of violent conflicts which easily could destroy vital conditions of human survival.


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How to Cite

Taureck, B. (2021). Krieg oder Frieden. Auf der Suche nach einem Tertium Datur. Labyrinth, 23(2), 62–78.



Philosophical Theories of War: Contemporary Challenges and Discussions