Victims, Power and Intellectuals: Laruelle and Sartre


  • Constance L. Mui Loyola University New Orleans
  • Julien S. Murphy College of Arts and Sciences, University of Southern Maine



Laruelle, Sartre, power, intellectuals, victim, non-philosophy, compassion


 In two recent works, Intellectuals and Power and General Theory of Victims, François Laruelle offers a critique of the public intellectual, including Jean-Paul Sartre, claiming such intellectuals have a disregard for victims of crimes against humanity. Laruelle insists that the victim has been left out of philosophy and displaced by an abstract pursuit of justice. He offers a non- philosophical approach that reverses the victim/intellectual dyad and calls for compassionate insurrection. In this paper, we probe Laruelle's critique of the committed intellectual's obligations to victims, specifically, through an examination of Sartre's "A Plea for Intellectuals." We hope to show the value of Laruelle's theory on victims, crime and power for imagining future-oriented intellectuals.


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How to Cite

Mui, C. L., & Murphy, J. S. (2017). Victims, Power and Intellectuals: Laruelle and Sartre. Labyrinth, 19(2), 35–56.