Gadamers philosophische Hermeneutik: Einflüsse, Wirkungen, Debatten


  • Yvanka B. Raynova Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences / Institut für Axiologische Forschungen



Hans-Georg Gadamer, Hermeneutics, Contemporary Philosophy, Deconstruction, Critical Theory


At a time when narrow scientific and philosophical specialization dominates our academic landscape and by which respective competence is also measured, a thinking that unfolds in broad ways is often viewed with some suspicion. This, however, is not the case of Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics. Even though it has triggered various critiques and controversial debates, e.g., on the part of Habermas, Derrida, Ricoeur and others, Gadamer's influence and impact is still present today in the most diverse fields of philosophy and the humanities. The editorial takes up some of these debates and shows their continuing effects on contemporary philosophy and their importance for the sociocultural hermeneutics of any shape.


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How to Cite

Raynova, Y. (2022). Gadamers philosophische Hermeneutik: Einflüsse, Wirkungen, Debatten. Labyrinth, 24(1), 5–14.

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