
As a not-for-profit venture* of the Institute for Axiological Research (Vienna), Axia Academic Publishers aims through its publishing activities to build a communication bridge between different intellectual traditions, cultures, religions, and societies, and to be the foyer of cutting-edge axiological research in philosophy, the humanities and the social sciences.
The publication program of Axia Academic Publishers is foced on single and multi-authored books, manuals, reference works, edited collections, and journals. It is characterized by innovative studies on classical and new subjects in value research as well as by critical discussions.
Axia Academic Publishers and the Institute for Axiological Research are leaded in their activities by the belief that scientific results and knowledge as well as cultural heritage should be free and widely available to students, researchers, educators and society. Thus we actively support the Berlin Declaration on Open Access Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities and offer opportunities as well as diverse models of open access publishing.
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